The Best Care for your Dog



The most important part of your dogs care is the ANNUAL physical examination.  Dogs over 5 years of age should be examined TWICE A YEAR.

1.     Intestinal Parasite check (fecal exam) TWICE A YEAR (small stool specimen to the vet.)
2.     HEARTWORM blood test once a year.
3.     Give SENTINAL® tablet ONCE A MONTH all year long (prevents intestinal worms, heartworm disease, and fleas.)
4.     Apply FRONTLINE PLUS® to the skin on the back of your pets neck ONCE A MONTH all year long (prevents fleas and ticks.)  Tick transmitted diseases are the most common infectious diseases of dogs in our area.

        For adult dogs:
1.     DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo) - every 3 years
2.     Rabies vaccination - every 3 years
3.     Leptospirosis – annual
4.     Lyme vaccine – annual
5.     Bordetella (Infectious bronchitis) – every 6 months for dogs that are boarded, go to groomers, or dog parks.
6.     Influenza vaccine (CIV - H3N8) – annually for dogs that are boarded.

1.     Preventative Dental Cleaning (in-hospital) with full mouth dental x-rays – Annual for all dogs; twice a year for toy-breed dogs or dogs at high risk of periodontal infection.)
2.     Dental Home Care – Brush your dog’s teeth with Maxiguard® once a day with an extra-soft toothbrush designed for dogs (CET toothbrush.)

1.     Dogs over 5 years of age should have an Adult Early Detection blood chemistry screen and complete blood count (CBC) annually as part of annual examination.
2.     All dogs should have an annual complete urinalysis (urine specimen) performed as part of the annual examination.

SENIOR DOGS – dogs over 7 years of age (or younger for large breed dogs)
Additional screening tests such as blood pressure, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, abdominal ultrasound, tonometry (test for glaucoma), Schirmer Tear Test, or urine protein-creatinine ratio may be necessary.

At Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital, our compliance and reminder system will keep you informed on WHAT your dog needs and WHEN.  You can monitor your dog’s preventative care needs online with PET-PORTALS which can be accessed via our web site: